The company handbook is available from your line manager should you wish to view it. This document provides all current policies and procedures relevant to your employment.
If you have any personnel related issues, in the first instance, please refer to your Line Manager.
Pay Day
All weekly paid employees will be paid each Thursday in respect of the previous week. All monthly paid employees will be paid on the third Thursday of each month, in respect of that complete calendar month.
You will be reimbursed for any expenditure necessarily incurred to do your job, in line with the Company Expense Policy which is available on request from Payroll.
The deadline for submission of expenses is Monday, 11am for weekly paid employees and the 5th of the month, in respect of the previous calendar month for monthly paid employees.
Expense claims should be submitted with all original receipts.
New starter documentation
In order to get you added to the Payroll on a timely basis, please complete the new joiner form and health questionnaire below on your first day of employment. These forms should be submitted to your Line Manager or site administrator together with relevant ID documentation as specified on the form.
Please direct any payroll related queries to Payroll@Erith.com
New Starter Form
Using the link provided in the PDF icon below, download and save the form to your desktop, using you name as the file name. For example: John.Smith New Starter Form.
Print and fill out the new starter form. ALL details must be completed. Once completed, this form should be given to your Line Manager to check, sign and attach your identification and other documents to. Once complete, your Manager will issue the form to Payroll.
Without the submission of this form, you cannot be paid.
Health Questionnaire
Using the link provided in the PDF icon below, download and save the form to your desktop, using your name as the file name. For example, John.Smith Health Questionnaire. Print and fill out the health questionnaire. ALL Details must be completed. Once completed, please give this form to your manager to check and sign. They will then pass it on to payroll. This form is only to be completed by new joiners. Please do not complete this form unless instructed to do so by your manager.